Privacy and Terms & Conditions

This document declares the undertakings by Deer Valley Locksmith & Garage Door Repair and its related websites and affiliates (“we”, “us” , “our” and/or “ours”) in relation to our handling of your Data, your use of our website(s) and our Privacy Policy.

By using our website(s), submitting information to us, or providing us any information via phone or email, you agree to the following terms:

The terms and conditions in any written agreements, signed invoices, and contracts between you and us shall replace and supersede any information on this website, any information in general advertisements, and any verbal understandings between you and us.

Modification to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

We reserve the rights to change our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, at anytime, at our sole discretion, with or without any prior notice. From time to time, you should return to our website to this section to review our updated Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. By continuing using our website, you agree to be bound by our updated and revised Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

Important waive of liability.

We are not responsible for the accuracy of the information provided by members and/or businesses on our website. You agree to waive any and all liability for damages and/or all claims associated with the use of our website, with no exception. Privacy If you submitted the information on our website or emailed us any information, it may become public. If you don’t want any information to be public, do not submit it on our website and/or do not communicate said information with us or any of our members or representatives. We will keep confidential information as required below.

Data Collection.

We undertake to collect your data by means that are: fair; legal; and transparent. If you visit our web-site, your web-browser automatically discloses, and our web-server automatically logs, the following information: the date and time, the IP address from which you issued the request, the type of browser and operating system you are using, the URL of any page that referred you to the page, the URL you requested, and whether your request was successful. This data may or may not be sufficient to identify you. Any additional data that you provide, e.g. in a web-form, may also be logged. This data may or may not be sufficient to identify you. Any additional data that your web-browser automatically provides may also be logged. This will be the case, for example, if your browser has previously been requested to store data on your computer in ‘cookies’ and submits them each time you request a web-page within a particular domain. This data may or may not be sufficient to identify you. If you disclose personal data to us in conjunction with an identifier such as your name or your credit-card details, we will collect Your Data. Moreover, any data that becomes available to us through any of the means described in the preceding paragraphs may be able to be associated with that identifier, and hence become Your Data. Right to be contacted via phone, email or other means By providing information to us, you agree to be contacted by us and our affiliates by phone, email or other means to collect further information from you and/or to offer you different services. You further agree that we may forward your information to third party partners, and post your information on websites to promote you.

Data Security.

We undertake to store Your Data in a manner that ensures security against unauthorized access, alteration or deletion, at a level commensurate with its sensitivity. We undertake to store Your Data only in jurisdictions where data protections are at least equivalent to those required under the OECD Guidelines. We undertake to transmit Your Data in a manner that ensures security against unauthorized access, alteration or deletion, at a level commensurate with its sensitivity. We undertake to implement appropriate measures to ensure security of Your Data against inappropriate behavior by our staff-members and contractors. These include: training for staff in relation to privacy; access control, to limit access to Your Data to those staff and contractors who have legitimate reasons to access it; particularly in the case of sensitive data, audit trails of accesses, including the identities of staff and contractors accessing the data; reminders to staff and contractors from time to time about the importance of data privacy, and the consequences of inappropriate behavior; declaration of appropriately strong sanctions that are to be applied in the event of inappropriate behavior clear communication of policies and sanctions; and processes to audit, to investigate and to impose sanctions. Data Use Use refers to the application of Your Data by any part of our website, or any of our staff-member or contractor in the course of their work. We undertake to use

Your Data only for:

  • The purposes for which it was collected;
  • Such other purposes as are subsequently agreed between Us and You;
  • Such additional purposes as may be required by law. In these circumstances, we will take any reasonable steps available to it to communicate to You that the use has occurred, unless it is precluded from doing so by law; and
  • Such additional purposes as are authorized by law (in particular to our interests, e.g. if it believes on reasonable grounds that You have failed to fulfill your undertakings to us or have committed a breach of the criminal law).
  • We undertake to use Your Data only if it has demonstrable relevance to the particular use to which it is being put. We undertake to use Your Data in such a manner as to take into account the possibility that it is not of sufficient quality for the purpose, e.g. because it is inaccurate, out-of-date, incomplete, or out-of-context.


We may use third party vendors, such as google, to remarket to you. These said vendors may use cookies to capture your past visits to the website. You may visit Google Ad Settings or go to to change your preferences, or you may opt out by visiting Teracent and/or Doubleclick optout pages.

Requests to stop receiving emails can be made by sending an email to [email protected]. We are committed to protecting our customers’ expectations about privacy.

Deer Valley Locksmith & Garage Door Repair
[email protected]
(623) 887-7711

Deer Valley Locksmith & Garage Door Repair
21620 N 26th Ave, Unit 200
Phoenix, AZ 85027

(623) 887-7711
Hours: 24/7

Deer Valley Locksmith & Garage Door Repair provides locksmith & garage door repair services for residential, automotive, and commercial businesses. Services provided and mobile response time varies and is dependent on time of day, availability, and other factors. Call us for more information, availability and details.

© 2024 Deer Valley Locksmith & Garage Door Repair